What is GREEN•SOL?
GREEN•SOL is a group of EPA registered products specifically designed to maximize overall crop performance. By combining the plant growth regulators, Gibberellic Acid, and Kinetin with essential major and micronutrients GREEN•SOL products help crops become more stress resistant, mature earlier, increase quality, and boost yields.

Synergistic Water-Soluble Powder for Enhanced Growth, Bloom, and Yield
GREEN•SOL 48 is a water-soluble synergistic powder that enhances plant growth, bloom, and fruit set by providing major and trace elements, and should be used as a supplement to soil-applied fertilizers to increase crop yields when applied as a foliar spray.
- An 8-20-20 + micros water-soluble fertilizer containing Kinetin and Gibberellic Acid
- Promotes plant growth and earlier maturity along with initiation of fruiting
- Improves plant vigor, crop quality, and yields
- Encourages faster transition from vegetative to reproductive stage of plant development
- Apply only as a foliar spray
- Compatible with most all chemical products (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)
Advanced Water-Soluble Fertilizer Supplement for Optimal Bloom, Fruit Set, and Yield
GREEN•SOL 70 is a water-soluble synergistic powder containing an array of major and trace elements. It is rich in analysis and acts as a valuable supplement to soil applied fertilizer programs and provides the nutrients needed to induce blooming and fruit set. GREEN•SOL 70 increases production if adequate soil moisture and nitrogen are available. If the soil moisture is not adequate for normal plant growth, irrigate or wait until rainfall occurs before application. These applications do not replace your regular fertilization program. Follow your State Extension recommendations and add GREEN•SOL 70 for increased yields.
- A 10-52-8 + micros water-soluble fertilizer containing Kinetin
- Stimulates earlier flowering, increased fruit set and bunching
- Reduces vegetative growth and shortens internode length
- Typically used immediately prior to blooming
- Apply only as a foliar spray
- Compatible with most all chemical products (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)
Sulfur-Based Fertilizer for Enhanced Plant Growth
NOVASYN, a sulfur-based fertilizer, enhances plant growth by activating enzyme and hormone systems, leading to healthier roots, stronger stems, better fruit, and improved plant performance; it is applied as a foliar spray, compatible with most pesticides but should not be used with highly alkaline materials, and is effective across a wide variety of crops with specific dosage recommendations.
- A liquid formulation containing Gibberellic Acid and Sulfur
- Promotes cell elongation, and root development
- Stimulates early shoot development and vegetative growth
- Apply only as a foliar spray
- Compatible with most all chemical products (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)